UK Tax rebate Scam

Watch out for a new twist to scams – the UK income taxback or UK income tax rebate email. Julian Behrman from The Taxback Service Company ( is urging people not to fall victim of the online con.


“Many people are being sent bogus emails that are pretending to offer them a UK income tax rebate from HMRC. They typically begin with an opening sentence such as ‘we have reviewed your income tax return; according to our income tax calculations, you are due an income tax refund of £X is due’.


“These counterfeit emails are a phishing scam, designed to get hold of people’s bank details, to either clear out their account or sell on their financial information to overseas fraud gangs. Although the emails are cleverly disguised, making them look legitimate, the bottom line is that HMRC NEVER send out emails about income tax refunds or financial matters – they are always sent out ONLY  by post.“

25,000 phishing emails

According to HM Revenue and Customs, almost 25,000 phishing emails were reported within the three months leading up to the online self-assessment deadline on January 31, which shows an alarming 47% increase over the same period in 2013. In hopes of combatting the fraudsters, a specialist team of HMRC online investigators have currently shut down 178 phishing websites. Around 1,500 sites were closed by the revenue body in 2013, in overseas locations such as the United States, Russia and China.

Get your tax rebate from a reputable agent

Julian Behrman writes “The HMRC is working alongside law enforcement agencies around the world to ensure that taxpayers stay safe online. People who receive any bogus emails are asked to forward them to, in order for investigators to track down its geographical location and shut down the sham website.“


If you have paid UK income tax at any time since April 6th 2010, you really could be due an income tax rebate.

For further details, information and assistance, visit our website .