Healthcare workers, both qualified and unqualified, are entitled to an additional income tax allowance for shoes, tights, uniform cleaning etc. In addition, as HMRC understand that you may need to have your name included on a professional register or that it could be helpful to belong to an organisation whose activities are necessary for your work, tax relief is often available on the costs of registering with professional organisations such as NMC, HCPC, GDC, GPhC, Unison, GMB, RCN and RCM.
Healthcare workers include doctors, paramedics, nurses, midwives, auxiliaries, students, dental nurses, nursing assistants, and healthcare assistants.
So, act NOW as you’ve nothing to lose – fill in the form below and let us check if you are entitled to a UK income tax rebate from as far back as April 6th 2010 and/or to any additional work-related tax allowances for the current and/or future income tax years.